A downloadable spatial poem

Download the file and write down the verses in little sheets of paper, and then place them in different surfaces of the room where you sleep in the order indicated in the txt file. the idea is to have the stanzas form a circle with the “LE CORPS/ENVIE/VERDIT” placed in the middle of the circle formed by the other verses. Leave it as long as you feel like, and read it however it appears to you, maybe in the order you encounter the verses each day.  


Téléchargez le fichier et notez les versets dans de petites feuilles de papier, puis placez-les sur differentes surfaces de la pièce où vous dormez comme indiqué dans le fichier txt. L’idée est que les strophes forment un cercle avec « LE CORPS / ENVIE / VERDIT» placé au milieu du cercle formé par les autres versets. Laissez-le aussi longtemps que vous en avez envie, et lisez-le comme il vous semble mieux, peut-être dans l'ordre où vous rencontrez les versets chaque jour.





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More than just a poem; a ritual. Everything about this is enlivening and enriching. Thank you so much!


tthank you nurbrun <3 I hope ure doing okay in this complicated times

Hey Xochitl! I just wanted to let you know that we featured your work as an example in our shufPoetry Experimental Poetry Jam. Is this okay? If not I will of course take it down, and apologies for asking after the fact and not before. Hope you are well and thriving!


no its completely okay! i feel rly happy that u took my work for that ! <3  i'm doing fine and i hope u re also doing well!